Business approach
BOUCHÉ LOGISTIQUE, employees are dedicated to the missions entrusted to them.
Our objective? To assist our clients at every stage of the supply chain. Our teams are thus deployed on a daily basis to meet their specific demands. Listening and understanding form the basis of our customer relations. These are the qualities that enable us to fulfill our customers’ wishes and take their needs into account. We are then able to offer tailor-made solutions; BOUCHÉ LOGISTIQUE, a personalised service.
Assisting our customers at every stage of the supply chain.
‘‘Logistics brings together several professions, from warehousing to the complete flow management. Our customers make us more efficient; it is up to us to make the most of this inexhaustible resource.’’
Means implemented
At BOUCHÉ LOGISTIQUE, our specialised team is at your service.
An exclusive contact person is dedicated to provide the best possible support for each of our clients. Each client file is looked after by a single manager, assisted by an operations manager who follows the project from the commercial part to the finalisation for 100% personalised support.
In order to provide all of our logistical services, we have significant technical resources and are able to manage the preparation of different types of orders (pallets, parcels, parts). 20,000m² of surface area is thus dedicated to our logistics activity. In addition, with a view to constantly optimise stock management, we use warehouse logistics software (WMS or Warehouse Management System). BOUCHÉ LOGISTIQUE, adapted tools and solutions.
45,000m² of surface area is thus dedicated to our logistics activity.

BOUCHÉ LOGISTIQUE, right by your side throughout the logistics chain.
Our team takes care of the storage of your goods as well as the preparation of your orders, their packaging and quality control. We also provide after-sales service and e-commerce solutions. Our employees manage the supply of factories and production lines both upstream and downstream. To guarantee the quality of our services and the safety of the goods entrusted to us, our warehouses respect controlled temperatures and hygrometry. They are protected against fire by responsible and trained staff, as well as by an automatic sprinkler system (APSAD – ICPE – 1510 – 2662 – 2663 standards). BOUCHÉ LOGISTIQUE a complete and secure accompaniment.
Upstream and downstream plant supply and production lines.